Do Coaches Have Favourites?
As I survey the sidelines, discreetly observing impassioned discussions among parents, attend obligatory parent-coach meetings, and or have 1 on 1 discussions with parents who have a concern with their child’s development or playing time, the perennial topic of whether coaches have favourites never fails to captivate. Do Coaches Have Favourites?
This age-old inquiry looms large, enticing speculation and conjecture amongst players and onlookers. The verdict is unequivocal, yet the rationale behind this phenomenon remains as intriguing as an unexpected goal in overtime.
Within the realm of sports, the notion of favouritism is a well-worn topic, often sparking debates and fueling gossip among those entrenched in the world of competitive youth athletics. While perceptions of coaches having favourites can give rise to feelings of injustice or disillusionment among players, the reality is often rooted in a fundamental principle: hard work pays off.
Coaches, like skilled conductors leading an orchestra of talent, are attuned to the individual efforts and contributions of their players. While it may seem like favouritism from the outside, the truth is that coaches are drawn to those who exemplify dedication, resilience, and a relentless work ethic. These are the players who are willing to put in the extra hours on the training ground, the ones who push themselves to the limit and beyond in pursuit of excellence.
In the world of sports, success is not a matter of chance but a result of deliberate effort and unwavering commitment. Coaches recognize that the hardest-working players are the ones who embody the ethos of humility, effort, accountability, respect, and trust. These are the players who elevate the performance of the entire team.
So, the next time you find yourself pondering the question of whether coaches have favourites, remember this; it’s not about playing favourites, but rather recognizing and rewarding those who demonstrate the club ethos and qualities that are the recipe for success. In the grander theatre of sports, where passion and competition intersect, the bond between coaches and their favourites is a testament to the enduring power of dedication and hard work.

David Benning is our Club’s Director of Soccer Operations responsible for the new direction, curriculum, and player and coach development while also setting the new standards and expectations for Milton Magic. David is well respected throughout Canada having been a Canadian National Team Staff Coach coaching at the u17 World Cup for a Quarter Final as well as an instructor of the National ‘A’ and ‘B’ License. Most recently he has been appointed as the Bu16 Ontario Provincial Team Staff, and to a special advisory group for the Canadian National Technical Directors Diploma as a result of his experience and knowledge being recognized as the first club technical director in Ontario.