Match Official FAQs & Guidelines
Match Official FAQs
1. How do I become a registered Match Official?
To become a registered match official, you must register for and attend a New Match Official Clinic .
2. How do I re-register as a Match Official?
Match Officials must re-register each year via Ref Centre by March 31st to remain active.
3. What are the benefits of registering?
- The opportunity to officiate in sanctioned leagues, these leagues will only use match officials registered with Ontario Soccer.
- The opportunity to represent their club at district, regional and provincial level competitions.
- The opportunity to be identified for upgrading and mentoring opportunities.
4. When should I arrive for my assigned games?
Match Officials should arrive a minimum of 30mins prior to the start of their first match.
5. What pre-match duties shall be performed?
- Field Inspection to ensure the field is safe, playable, and free of any objects that may pose a danger to the players.
- Inspect the goals to ensure mesh is free of holes.
- Inspect the goals to ensure they are properly anchored.
- Introduce yourself to the team officials, collect game sheets and confirm game sheets are completed correctly (i.e. team officials listed have signed, all players are identified etc.)
- Complete an equipment check, ensure players are wearing shin guards, jerseys have #’s on them and no jewelry is being worn.
6. What should I wear?
Match Officials are expected to arrive at their matches in full uniform, Referee Jersey, Shorts, Socks, and appropriate footwear.
7. Am I required to wear my referee badge?
Yes absolutely, your referee badge is part of your mandatory uniform, and it is expected that match officials wear their badge for all matches.
8. What other equipment should I carry with me for my matches.
- Whistle
- Ball Pump and Guage
- Notebook with extra blank sheets of paper
- Pen / Pencil
- Watch
- Yellow and Red Cards
- Coin
- Flags
Match Official Guidelines
All match officials are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and carry out their duties to the best of their ability; this includes but is not limited too accepting matches within 24 hours of them being offered, arriving to matches on time and in uniform, completing game reports within 24 hours of game completion, ensuring availability is up to date and communicating with the Referee Development Manager any issues that arise preventing a match official from fulfilling these expectations as outlined.
Match Official Code of Conduct reference.
Scheduling and Availability
- Ensure your availability is updated 2-3 weeks in advance.
- Games will be assigned a minimum of 2 weeks in advance.
- Appointments are to be accepted within 24 hours of being offered failure to do so may result in offers being reassigned; repeated declines and/or failure to accept appointments may result in loss of appointments.
- If you have an emergency and require one of your assigned matches to be covered please email the Referee Development Manager Kim Lee @ ASAP, until you are replaced the match is your responsibility.
Match Day Procedures
- Arrive to the field a minimum of 30 minutes prior to kick off and in your referee uniform.
- Ensure your game kicks off on time.
- Ensure game sheets are collected and fully completed prior to kick off.